Belly fat is the most difficult fat to get rid of and causes serious health issues but researchers discovered a new injection that may help humans reduce stomach fat.

We are all aware that obesity is a growing issue in the United States and many individuals are searching endlessly for quick solutions to lose weight. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicts that 42 percent of Americans will be obese by 2030. The bad part about this is that most people carry the fat in their abdomen area which studies have shown to be the most dangerous. Many Americans think they can do sit ups or crunches to lose stomach fat but you will only harden the muscles under the fat. You must do cardiovascular exercises such as running or jogging to lose weight all over then do ab workouts.

Researchers at Ohio State’s Comprehensive Cancer Center are finding out that injecting a small capsule of heat generating cells in the bellies of mice helped them turn their white or bad fat, which stores fat in the body, into brown fat. Brown fat is good because it speeds up the metabolism, which led the mice to eventually lose about 20% of belly fat after 80 days of treatment. Ouliana Ziouzenkova with Ohio State’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, says “We call it thermagenic fat”.

The mice did gain some weight back overtime but it wasn’t dramatic. Researchers also found that the vaccine caused a decrease in visceral fat, the fat around the organs, which was very important.

If the injections are created for humans, it will not be used as a weight loss device just yet. Instead it will be used for individuals that are not capable of exercising, for instance, elderly people or individuals who are handicapped. However, for the ones who are not physically impaired, diet and exercise is the only way to lose weight and reduce belly fat successfully. You can’t just exercise one day then stop all of a sudden. You have to stayed dedicated and work at it until it becomes a routine. If it’s hard to stay motivated you can find a partner to work out with you and join you in your diet plans and workouts. You can start small by making small changes to you calorie intake and walking if you don't have much energy or time to join a gym. Start your healthy habits today and become a healthier person for the future.

Lose stomach fat or reduce belly fat faster by jogging instead of weight lifting researchers say. Apparently, aerobic exercise is better than resistance training according to a recent study. An eight month study compared the effectiveness of aerobic exercise (jogging), resistance training (weight lifting) and a combination of both in 196 overweight, sedentary adults from ages 18-70.

The individuals in the aerobic group did the equivalent of 12 miles of jogging per week at an 80 percent heart rate, while the resistance group did three sets of eight to 12 repetitions three times a week.

The Duke University Medical Center researchers examined how these types of exercises reduced the fat that’s deep within the abdomen and fills the spaces between internal organs. This type of fat, called visceral and liver fat, is associated with increased risk of disease, diabetes and certain types of cancers.

Aerobic exercises greatly reduced stomach fat (visceral fat) and improved risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, such as insulin resistance, liver enzymes and triglyceride levels. However, resistance training didn’t influence these benefits. Aerobic exercises combined with resistance training achieved results similar to aerobic exercise alone, the investigators discovered.

According to lead author and exercise physiologist Chris Slentz who spoke in a Duke news release, “resistance training is great for improving strength and increasing lean body mass.” “But if you are overweight, which 2/3 of the population is, and you want to lose belly fat or stomach fat, aerobic exercise is the better alternative because it burns more calories.” You will lose even more calories if you maintain a healthy diet and keep your metabolism going with foods such as whole grains and fish that boost your metabolism. If you are new to weight loss and want to lose stomach fat you can start of by walking then advance to jogging when you get the energy. My favorite cardio exercises are running and boxing since they seem to burn the most calories and boxing is my favorite sport. Boxing builds endurance, speed, agility and stamina which make it one of the best sports for cardio.

This study was published in the August 25 issue of the American Journal of Physiology.

Make it your next to goal to start your aerobic exercise routine today to lose stomach fat and improve your health today. Don’t forget to consult with your doctor before beginning any weight loss plan to make sure it is safe plus get more tips on how to lose stomach fat.

lose stomach fat